Jointly organized by Sapienza University of Rome and University of Venice Ca’ Foscari
With the participation of
Heidelberg University, Tohoku University, and Lancaster University
On March 3 - 4 2023 the Department “Italian Institute of Oriental Studies” of Sapienza University of Rome will host the 3rd International Doctoral Symposium on Asian and African Studies (IDSAAS III). In this gathering, hosted for the second time by Sapienza, national and international doctoral students will present their research in different fields of Asian and African Studies, favouring discussion and exchange of views among young scholars. At the of end of each day, there will also be individual tutoring sessions.
The Symposium will focus on several topics:
- Different strategies for teaching and learning Asian and African languages
- Socio-political and ethnical identity issues through media
- Connections between literature and traditions
- Gender related issues
In person: Edificio Marco Polo, viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo 82, Rome
March 3rd: Sala Riunioni 1, 3rd floor
March 4th: Room 101, 1st floor
After filling out the form, a message will appear with the Zoom link to register; those who do not already have a Zoom account will need to create one. Once registration is complete, you will receive the link to join the symposium.
March 3rd
09.00-09.10 Institutional greetings
09.10-10.00 Keynote speech, Prof. Joseph Sanzo, University of Venice Ca’ Foscari
10.00 – 11.20 PANEL 1: Building identities: between cinematic discourses and self-representation strategies
11.20 – 11.40 short break
11.40 – 13.00 PANEL 2: Beyond gender boundaries: reflections on media and social movements
13.00 – 14.00 Lunch (for speakers and commentators)
14.00 – 15.50 PANEL 3: Wandering through texts: analyzing and retelling traditions
15.50 – 16.10 short break
16.10 – 17:30 PANEL 4: Exploring the relationship between individuals, institutions, and narrations: from the post-war period to the present day
17.30-19.30 One-to-one tutoring time
March 4th
09.10-10.00 Keynote speech: prof. Francesco Zappa, Sapienza University of Rome
10.00 – 11.20 PANEL 5: Language teaching and learning: investigating different realities
11.20-11.50 Break
11.50 -12.45 PANEL 6: Linguistics and the Art of Teaching
12.45-13.45 One-to-one tutoring time
For the full program see the attachment on the website.
Federica Casalin, Università di Roma Sapienza
Nicoletta Pesaro, Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari