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Introduction to Jainism

Nei giorni di martedì 12 (dalle ore 17.00) e mercoledì 13 aprile (dalle ore 13.00) il dr. Himal Trikha, Università di Vienna, nel quadro del programma europeo Erasmus+, terrà il seminario, in presenza e online, Introduction to Jainism, che mira a fornire un’immagine complessiva, e al contempo scientificamente accurata ed aggiornata, di questa grande religione indiana, con particolare riferimento alla sua letteratura filosofica.
 - martedì 12 aprile, h 17.00-20.00, aula G, ex Vetrerie Sciarra, via dei Volsci 122
- mercoledì 13 aprile, h 13.00-18.00, lab 3 (III piano), edificio Marco Polo, viale dello Scalo S. Lorenzo 82
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The SEMINAR will consist of four lectures with time for discussion: introductory overview of basic concepts of Jainism and epochs of its literary history in the first lecture, followed by a second lecture on the philosophical literature of the medieval period with an introduction into main research topics. The third lecture will focus on six stray Prakrit stanzas in the work of a 10th century Jaina Sanskrit author with a discussion of some linguistic aspects of the Prakrit stanzas and aspects of their history of transmission. In the last lecture, the history of one of these stanzas will be discussed in detail and analyzed in the context of the formation of a specific Jaina doctrine regarding the classification of life forms.
HIMAL TRIKHA is University Assistant at the Department for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies in Vienna, where he teaches Sanskrit and history of Indian thought. His research focuses on the concept of perspectivism in Jaina philosophy and on intertextual correspondences of Jaina philosophical literature with the literature of other philosophical traditions of premodern South Asia.
Some of his publications are available at