The Fifth International Doctoral Symposium on Asian and African Studies (IDSAAS V) will take
place in Rome on February 20-22, 2025, at the Italian Institute of Oriental Studies,
Sapienza University of Rome. The Symposium is jointly organized by the University of
Rome Sapienza and the University of Venice Ca'Foscari with the participation
of Heidelberg University, Tohoku University, and Lancaster University. The first
event of this collaborative project took place in February 2020 at Sapienza University,
and since then it has been successfully developing into an annual meeting attended by
doctoral students of the five universities involved in this academic exchange.
All students presenting a paper at the Symposium will be offered a one-on-one tutorial
with a professor from another university. The tutorials will be scheduled according to
the conference program and the
The Symposium will focus on the following topics:
Policies, Political Discourses and Society Mobilities, Narratives, and Identities
Language Acquisition
Lexicography and Syntax
Women’s Narratives and Strategies of Resistance/Existence
Visual Text and the Public
Urban Narratives
Performance and the Arts
Attilio Andreini, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
What Makes a Classic 'Classic'?
Mario Casari, Sapienza University of Rome
What’s in a Story: Notes on the Relationship between Narration and Knowledge
In person: Edificio Marco Polo, viale dello Scalo San Lorenzo 82, Rome
- February 20: Sala Riunioni 1, 3rd floor
- February 21: Room T03 (ground floor) and Sala Riunioni 1 (3rd floor)
- February 22: Sala Riunioni 1, 3rd floor
Online: send a message to to request the zoom link.
February 20, 2025
14.00 Institutional greetings
14.20 PANEL 1: Policies, Political Discourses and Society
16.20 PANEL 2: Mobilities, Narratives, and Identities
18.20 Individual tutoring
February 21, 2025
09.00 Keynote speach: Attilio Andreini, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
10.50 PANEL 3: Language Acquisition
12.10 PANEL 4: Lexicography and Syntax
15.00 PANEL 5: Women’s Narratives and Strategies of Resistance/Existence
17.00 PANEL 6: Visual Text and the Public
February 22, 2025
09.00 Keynote speach: Mario Casari, Sapienza University of Rome
10.20 PANEL 7: Urban Narratives
11.40 PANEL 8: Performance and the Arts
Federica Casalin, Università di Roma Sapienza